May 16, 2022 : Trip 6, Day 3 – Missouri and Kansas

Today was another road day. We got an early start again. Hopefully this is good practice for the days we need to get up before sunrise to get to a national park for our entry time.

One of the first things we noticed at the start of our trip were the wind turbines. There were A LOT OF THEM!

We did not understand how many there were when we started. First we thought we would see hundreds, then it seemed like thousands. We lost count of how many wind farms we actually saw. We took over 50 pictures of wind farms today, and we did not take pictures of all of them we saw.

The picture of the wind farm below also shows the two lane roads we traveled today. Most of our travel was on state and county roads rather than interstate highways. The speed limit was between 55 and 70 miles per hour most of the time.


We stopped at Old Mill Tasty Shop in Wichita Kansas for lunch. We had great sandwiches and shared a really good ice cream dessert.

When we went back to our car, we saw that the owner of the parking lot next to where we parked had a sense of humor about illegally parked cars.

We also learned that they like artistic highway walls in Wichita. Here is a sample of the artwork and artistry of the highway through Wichita. There were miles and miles of these walls.

The day ended like it started. More wind turbines. This time we decided to drive out to see them. They are so big, they appear to be closer than they are. We ended up driving about five miles out from town to see what looked like nearby wind turbines.

The turbines are not large, they are huge. Here is a close up from a couple of hundred yards away. You can see some tall trees in the distance. The turbines appear to be three to five times taller than the very large trees in the background. Google says the average height of wind turbines in Kansas is 430 feet.

We are getting close to the National parks we are going to visit. If things go well tomorrow, we may get to Great Sand Dunes Visitor’s Center. It will be nice to be done with the long days on the road.

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