June 1, 2022 : Trip 6, Day 19 – A Rest Day

Today was a rest day. We slept in. We goofed off. We tried to catch up on blog post delays created by bad internet connections. The best part of the day was dinner.

In a town where the population is 500 on a good day, there is no traffic light, 1 mb/sec is high speed internet, and the sheriff has a mannequin in a squad car on the main street, and the best restaurant is in the general store, we found a gem.

The gem was a food truck that sells hamburgers. The owners are ex employees of a Michelin Rated restaurant. They got tired of the rat race. They moved to rural Utah and bought a food truck. They sell some of the best burgers you could ever want to eat.

It was a great end to a rest day.

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