June 4, 2022 : Trip 6, Day 22 – Drive to Washington and Kanab, Utah

Because we changed our plans for yesterday, we got an early start this morning. It was good to get an early start so that we could drive to a not so nearby Best Buy. We are headed there to pickup a replacement camera we ordered after the one we were using was jammed during a hike at Canyonlands National Park.

With an 80 mile an hour speed limit our 150 mile detour is only going to take about two hours.

We finished our drive to Washington, Utah. We picked up the camera with no problem at the smallest Best Buy we had ever seen. Here is the first picture taken with the replacement camera.

Even though we took a detour to Washington Utah, we still saw amazing scenery on our trip to Kanab. Our detour took us through Northern Arizona to get to Kanab Utah. We saw lots of desert along the way. We also saw many other sights, including this mesa.

Our hotel in Kanab was very nice. They obviously worked very hard to maintain the plants around the hotel. These are two of the many flowers that graced the parking lot of the hotel.

We walked down the street to dinner at a very good drive in hamburger joint. We enjoyed our meal. On the way back, we stopped at Honey’s Marketplace. It looked like a tourist trap with the huge shopping cart. However, the store was very nice and the prices were reasonable.

Next door to Honey’s Marketplace was Honey’s Fuel Center. Their Cars movie inspired parking lot was a lot of fun. Here are two of the cars parked at Honey’s Fuel Center.

Our travel day was a restful and fun day.

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