May 8, 2019 : Trip 1, Day 24 – Return to Greensboro, North Carolina

Because most of the packing was completed the night before, we got an early start for our trip home. We left between 8 and 9 am. The return trip was uneventful.

It was our longest drive of the trip. It was about 625 miles and about 9 and one half hours. The traffic was easy and the weather was good. We were surprised that our Highlander got about 30 mpg on the return trip.

When we got home, our daughter, son in law and grandson were staying at our house because they had experienced a small fire in their kitchen. They had called us a few days earlier to inform us of the fire. We were happy to see them, but sad about the fire.

Overall, it was a great first trip. We already have preliminary plans for our next two trips. We will return to posting when our next trip starts in early June.

UPDATE: 5/16/19 Marlene has seen the doctor and has been resting. Nothing broken, no internal injuries. She is doing much better.

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