November 2, 2022 : Trip 8, Day 1 – Flying to Honolulu, Hawaii

It is early in the morning. We have a lot of flying ahead of us today and over the next two weeks. Today’s itinerary includes Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Honolulu. With hours sitting in a seat on a plane. Even so, we are excited to get started.

The flight to Hawaii from LA is mostly in a low light aircraft so that people can sleep. We started early in Greensboro and will arrive in Honolulu late in the evening. We are thankful for movies to help pass the time.

We had a chance to see a sunset from 35,000 feet. It was gorgeous. If you look closely, you can see that a sunset is rainbow in disguise, red at one end and violet at the other.

This was our first view of Honolulu. We are ready to be on land for awhile, and not in an airplane.

It will also be nice to sleep after a very long day of travel. It is still Wednesday here in Hawaii, but it is already early Thursday in Greensboro. So this is jet lag. Tomorrow will be better.

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